Personal Details
Primary Specialty Cardiology
Designation HOD & Senior Consultant Cardiology
OP Days Monday - Saturday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Education And Fellowships
Qualification MBBS, MD (Medicine), DNB (Cardiology)
Education MBBS - Armed Forces Medical College, Pune University
MD (Medicine) - Armed Forces Medical College, Pune University
DNB (Cardiology) - Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Kochi
Observer - Mount Sinai Hospital for Interventional Cardiology under Dr.Samin Sharma
FACC Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
FESC International Fellow of European Society of Cardiology
Professional Membership Indian Medical Association
Association of Physicians of India
Cardiology Society of India
Previous Experience
Experiences Consultant and HOD Cardiology Apollo Adlux
Consultant and HOD Cardiology INHS Asvini
Consultant and HOD Cardiology Base Hospital Delhi
Senior Advisor and Professor Base Hospital Delhi
Indian Naval Hospital Ship (INHS) Kalyani
Indian Naval Hospital Ship (INHS) Asvini Colaba

Social Media

Brief Description

Dr. (Surg. Cmde.) Mahesh Nalin Kumar is a senior interventional cardiologist and proponent of advances in Cardiology, leveraging perspective on transforming & setting-up Interventional Cardiology Centers as per International Standards. He was trained at Mount Senai Hospital under Dr. Samin Sharma. Expanded practice as a Consultant since 2006, serving the Base Hospital Delhi Cantt. Scaled-up across the stint and leveraged advanced skill-sets as a Proctor for OCT, Sub-cutaneous ICD, Intracardiac Pacemaker(Micra). Acknowledged for re-invigorating teams, managing treatment of complicated cases with ease and ensuring increased levels of patient care & satisfaction. Dr.Mahesh specialises in very high risk Cardiac Intervention procedures and has earned the respect and fame of being the Chief Interventional Cardiologist for a cardiology unit which has been the referral point for the most complicated cardiac cases in this part of Kerala. Dr.Mahesh N.K is a mentor for many pursuing Cardiology and has been training many junior cardiologists and physicians in his passionate career.

Special Interests

Interventional Cardiology

Awards and Honors