Personal Details
Primary Specialty Rehabilitation Psychology
Designation Rehabilitation Psychologist
OP Days Monday - Saturday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Education And Fellowships
Qualification M.Phil. Rehabilitation Psychology
Education Degree Psychology at Union Christian College, Aluva. (2006-2009)
M.Sc. Applied Clinical Psychology at Bharathiar University Department and Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi. (2009-2011)
M.Phil. Rehabilitation Psychology at National Institute For The Mentally Handicapped (NIMH), Secunderabad. (2011-2013)
Pursuing Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) at Christ University, Bangalore. (2016-2018)
Professional Membership Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Registration as a Rehabilitation Psychologist
RCI Reg. No. : A- 36288
Previous Experience
Experiences Rehabilitation Psychologist at “Amma Psychological Research Centre”, Palakkad, Kerala. (Oct ‘13 to Mar ‘14)

Social Media

Brief Description

Rehabilitation Psychology is a specialty area within psychology that focuses on the study and application of psychological knowledge and skills on behalf of individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions in order to maximize health and welfare, independence and choice, functional abilities, and social role participation across the lifespan.

Special Interests

Neuro-Feedback Training for Autism

Learning Disability


Stress & Anxiety Disorders


Mood Disorders

Area of Expertise

Autism, Neuro cognitive and Neuro developmental disorders, Learning Disability, ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Habit Disorders, Organic (including Symptomatic) Mental Disorders, Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders, Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, Other Psychotic Disorders, Neurotic, Stress-related and Somatoform Disorders, Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour, Sexual Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Behavioural Syndromes Associated with Psychological Disturbances and Physiological Factors, Mental Retardation, Child Psychiatry, Various Psychopathological Tests Including IQ Tests, Neuro-Psychological tests, and Psychotherapies including Behaviour therapy, Counselling and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.