Cardiac Anesthesia

Cardiac anesthesia is a specialized branch of anesthesiology focused on managing anesthesia during heart and cardiovascular surgeries. It involves the use of advanced techniques to ensure patient safety, pain relief, and optimal heart function during procedures such as open-heart surgery, valve repair or replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and minimally invasive cardiac interventions

Our Doctors

Dr.Mayank Bharti

Dr-Jitheesh Urologist parumala hospital

Dr. Jithesh P

Key Aspects of Cardiac Anesthesia

Service Recipient Says

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

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