Personal Details
Primary Specialty ENT
Designation Consultant ENT Surgeon
OP Days Monday - Saturday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Education And Fellowships
Qualification MBBS, MS (JIPMER)
Education MBBS : 2007 Batch JIPMER
MS (ENT) : 2014 Batch JIPMER
Previous Experience
Experiences Post Graduate experience from JIPMER (3 years)

Social Media

Brief Description

Dr. Thomas John is our Consultant ENT with more than 6 years of experience in managing ENT disorders and disease. He has performed various ENT procedure including ontological, rhino logical and laryngeal and head and neck surgery. His areas of special interest include endoscopic ear and nasal surgeries.

Special Interests

Endoscopic Ear Surgery

Micro Laryngeal Surgery

Nasal and Oral Surgeries